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Few bands stick around for thirty years. Even fewer bands leave a legacy during that time that marks them as a truly special, once-in-lifetime type band. And no band has done all that and had as much fun as Leftover Salmon. SOLD OUT! Leftover Salmon has been a crucial link in keeping alive the traditional music of the past while simultaneously pushing that sound forward with their own weirdly, unique style. They began as a forward-thinking, progressive bluegrass band who was unafraid to stir in any number of highly combustible styles into their ever-evolving sound, found their role as a pioneer of the modern jam band scene, and have evolved to their current status as elder-statesmen of the scene who cast a hugely influential shadow over every festival they play. *Please note, this will be a dancing show with all reserved seating. Please be respectful of the folks around you – feel free to dance at your seat or the back of the hall.

*Donors of $500 or more to the 2024 Strings Annual Fund are granted early ticket access. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DZ06evO1gvks0?si=89014994a67b43e3

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